Silently Disgusted 

“I am in a cage of my own making. I held my silence the way I do my disgust and watched them shut the doors on my dreams. Simple dreams of a world where I can wear no bra, because truly I do not need the support, and have no fear of harassment. It’s a silly dream really because all I wish for are nights where I don’t grip my keys like they are a lifeline as I make a beeline for my car in a deserted parking lot. I dream that the measure of my worth will not stem from the erotic dreams my body might create and instead be based on the sensuality of my intellect. All I want is a world where I have a voice to voice my disgust about a cage they said was for my own safety.” 

I’m disgusted with the patriarchy. I’m disgusted with my fear. I’m disgusted with my silence. And so I break it. Speak however you need to. Painting or poetry. Screaming or sculpture. Just speak. 


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