I am my past, present and future.

It seems every day I come across something on my feed that likes to tell me I am not the things that happened to me. Somehow, someway I am better than them. But I would disagree. And in that disagreement I found poetry. 

"I am everything that's happened to me. I am all the ways I let their actions ruin me. I am the nights I spent balling my eyes out instead of sleeping. I am the screams my pillow kept for me. I am the thoughts one should never have to think. I am the coward who couldn't follow through. But I am also all the ways I survived the adversity. I am the compassion I showed others. I am the words I wrote and the darkness I shared. I am open ears and a willing shoulder. I am human. Ruined and built back up differently. Perhaps less effectively. Perhaps more."


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