The Precipice
Life’s about living on the edge (pun totally intended), being afraid of the drop, the void, the systematic suppression of creativity and saying fuck it to all of that. 9-5s, meal planning, training, adulting. All necessary. All killers of creativity. Set aside an hour a day or whatever’s available to you and paint, sculpt, knit, garden, write. Anything and everything that makes it feel wild and free and wholly you.
We have an tendency to lose ourselves to the monotony of life. We were told weird was well weird and while that didn’t make sense we listened to the tone of their voice and felt disgust. They didn’t like weird. They didn’t like us and so we forced ourselves into an amazon box. Packaged ourselves up nicely and lived by their rules. Well not anymore.
Today, right now, I’m telling you to burst forth from that cardboard coffin. Litter the floor with your packing peanuts and be free. Become acquainted with tot weird once more. Because it’s weird and I say that with total awe.
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